[Discussing on significance, position and classification standard of chemotype of medicinal plants]

Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. 2009 Apr; 34(7): 924-8Hua Y, Huang L, Chen M, Xiao PThe authors propose suggestions for definition of classification position, classification standard, nomenclature and naming methods of chemotype on discussing the significance of chemotype of medicinal plants. This classification of chemotype should be established in infraspecific categories of "forma". Chemotype identification mainly has two aspects. One is that the main constituents are distinct or one or two components are half or more than half of the total chemical content. The main constituents come from the same biosynthetic pathway and have some genetic stability. The other is the chemical variation is genetic. The chemotype of medicinal plants study on the classification has important theoretical and practical value for quality assessment, resource development and the genuine medicinal research. It also can ensure the safe and effective of clinical medicine.