[Studies on chemical constituents from roots of Angelica polymorpha]

Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. 2009 Apr; 34(7): 854-7Li Y, Yang S, Bai SOBJECTIVE: To investigate the chemical constituents of the roots of Angelica polymorpha. METHOD: Silica gel column chromatography was employed for the isolation and purification of chemical constituents. The structures were identified on the basis of spectral data and chemical evidence. RESULT: Fourteen compounds were isolated and identified as follows, 5-hydroxy-2-[(angeloyloxy) methyl] furan [3', 2': 6, 7] chromone (1), octacosanoic acid (2), isoimperatorin (3), 3'S-(-)-O-acetylhamaudol (4), bergapten (5), iso-oxypeucedanin (6), beta-sitosterol (7), angeliticin A (8) , saxalin (9), pabulenol (10), noreugenin (11), oxypeucedanin hydrate (12), daucosterol (13), sucrose (14). CONCLUSION: Compound 1 is a new chromone, named polymorchromone A. Compounds 2, 4, 11, 13, 14 were isolated from A. polymorpha for the first time.